You may have noticed more programs and offerings by Regional Energy Networks lately. Also known as “RENs” (like a wren), these public agencies are formed through a state-regulated process run through the Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). RENs are funded through the small user fee we all see on our utility bills. Those fees generally go to the large investor-owned utilities (IOUs) like PG&E and Edison for energy efficiency programs. But several years ago, some local counties got together to request that a portion of those funds go directly to the local communities, to meet gaps the large IOUs weren’t able to address. RENs throughout the state now serve as program administrators and deliver energy programs to local communities – all at no cost to the customer!
A few RENs, including those in the Bay Area and Central Coast, have been operating for several years while others have recently been approved and are just now getting set up. Here is the current list and general territories.
1. BAYREN – San Franciso Bay Area
2. SoCalREN – Southern California
3. 3C-REN – Tri-Counties: SLO, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties
4. I-REN – Inland: San Bernardino and Riverside Counties
5. CCR REN - Central California Rural areas including San Joaquin Valley, Eastern Sierra and northern Central Coast
6. Rural REN – Northern California
7. SDREN – San Diego
Together, these seven RENs cover 94% of California residents! For coordination and efficiency, they are all part of a convening entity known as CalREN.
Each REN establishes its own objectives and programs, which are reviewed by the CPUC. Programs can include direct incentives for home or business energy upgrades, training for contractors and professionals, career programs for youth, and code support for building departments. Each REN focuses on its community needs, particularly underserved and hard-to-reach populations.
Be sure to sign up for your REN’s newsletter so you can take advantage of classes, incentives, articles and more. CalREN links to all of the RENs in the state.
At In Balance Green Consulting, we’re proud to partner with 3C-REN, I-REN and CCR-REN to provide Building Performance Training, Energy Code and CALGreen Training and Energy Code Coach services.
If you have questions, reach out and we’ll put you in touch with the best REN for you and your project.