All-Electric Remodel Construction Site Tour - February 11

Do you love visiting construction sites? We do too! So we’ve partnered with 3C-REN to offer tours of high performance, all-electric projects on the Central Coast.  The first will be in San Luis Obispo on February 11 at 3:30pm, visiting a major residential remodel. The builder, Mike Horgan of Cairn Collaborative, will lead us through the energy efficiency and electrification upgrades, providing first-hand information on implementation, lessons learned and best practices.

Topics covered include:

  • Installation requirements and options for heat pump mechanical systems.

  • Observe an installed heat pump hot water system and learn the space and location requirements and potential pitfalls to avoid.

  • Discuss ventilation and indoor air quality and different options appropriate for retrofits versus new construction.

  • Review wall, floor and roof assemblies for both insulation and air sealing best practices.

Project location will be provided to registered participants. To register for this free program, go to the 3C-REN calendar page HERE.

Stay tuned for tours in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. Have a project you would like to include on a tour? Let us know!