Every three years California updates its building codes under Title 24. The Energy Code, Part 6, is no exception, but unique to the Energy Code, California by law must show cost effectiveness, meaning long-term operational savings will offset any upfront cost increase. This process requires the California Energy Commission (CEC) to continually evaluate proposed energy saving measures before they become part of the new code. According to the CEC the proposed 2025 Standards are estimated to provide $4.8 billion in statewide energy cost savings.
The new 2025 Energy Code was formally adopted by the CEC in September 2024 and will take effect January 1, 2026.
Some key take-aways from the 2025 code cycle include:
• Encourage energy efficient heat pump technology for space and water heating
• Expand PV systems and battery storage standards
• Improve indoor air quality by strengthening ventilation standards
• Save water and save energy by reducing water use in homes and non-residential buildings
Libraries, which are often used as shelters, are now singled out with increased requirements for PV solar and battery energy storage systems.
And Restaurants, which are considered high energy users, have a fairly dramatic increase in the PV and battery capacity requirements under the 2025 Energy Code Standards.
Through our partnerships with Regional Energy Networks (RENs), we will be offering free online energy code update courses throughout this year and into 2026. Classes are usually one hour and cover different project types. For 3C-REN (SLO, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties), check out their training calendar, and of course you’re welcome to connect with the free Energy Code Coach service.
We’re also providing training and energy code coach services for Inland REN (I-REN – San Bernardino and Riverside Counties), and the newly-formed Central California Rural REN (CCR-REN – Central Valley, Monterey, Inyo and more). If you have a group that would like training, reach out – we may be able to come to you!
We look forward to supporting our region in implementing the current code while preparing for the new code cycle.